Press Releases for Internet monitoring software

  • 1003

    Safetyweb offers smart Parental Control Software to ensure Internet safety for kids

    Innovative New Internet Service Helps Parents Ensure Their Children’s Online Privacy, Safety and Reputation

    By : | 10-13-2010 | Technology:Software | Total Views : 1003

  • 713

    Safetyweb Acquires iHound Mobile

    SafetyWeb® Inc. has acquired both iHound® Mobile to provide complete protection to more than 100, 000 families and safeguarding their lives in a connected virtual world. Instead of buying multiple services to protect only a portion of your digital lives, you can now get real-time protection at anytime from any device using single technology.

    By : | 02-03-2011 | Technology:Mobile | Total Views : 713

  • 855

    Parental Control - Mobile Monitoring Feature for Parents

    Safetyweb Parental control software subscription now includes the mobile monitoring feature to help parents in monitoring their child’s mobile phone activities & ensuring their safety.

    By : | 10-19-2010 | Technology:Software | Total Views : 855